Camping Serbia – Krusevac

We know that Krusevac is a popular transit location for many campers, whether they have caravans, tents, or motorhomes. Whether you’re heading to the mountains, lakes, or the sea in other countries, we’ve made sure that our campsite provides everything you need to recharge and refresh before continuing your journey to your next destination.

Economic Camping Spot

Max 2 persons per spot
12 camping spots
Electricity hookup
Close to toilets and showers
Pets allowed

Price: 15

Additional values

Check-in: from 12PM
Check-out: by 11 AM
Water hookup
Free parking for tent campers
Children under 5 stay for free
Camper washing station (self-service, for a fee)
Free cooking and dining utensils
15 minutes from Krusevac
Laundry service (for a fee)
Free towels and bathing hygiene products
Close to highway entrance
Picnic area